Shopping Day!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Today is shopping day. I am armed with my trusty coupon lunchbox, my list of things I want to buy for free (hehe), a semi-good pair of walking shoes and I have a plan. Today I'm heading off into the wild blue yonder of Walgreens, CVS and Walmart. Hoping I find wonderfullly kind helpful salespeople at the drugstores today. Crossing my fingers anyway.

Thought I'd share a book I'm reading right now. It pertained to this blog as a way to save money and live on less.

Suddenly Frugal: How to Live Happier and Healthier for LessSo far it's been a good read. Whenever I'm reading a book that has useful information I end up with a notebook and pen, taking notes. Always the learner I guess. The author has a blog: Suddenly Frugal that is worth a visit.

Okay, wish me luck and cross your fingers for nice sales people. They're not as common as you would think!


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