July 2nd Walgreens Visits

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Last Friday was a stellar day in Walgreens history, for me at least. 2 Walgreens, 16 separate transactions (found 2 fabulous cashiers and one nice manager) and an enormous pile-o-loot! I won't bore you (I don't really have any readers, just talking to myself, but I can pretend!) with all the details, coupons, etc... If you have a question about where I got a coupon or something, holler.

Walgreens #1

(4) Colgate Pro Clinical Toothpaste (Orig. $4.99 ea)
(2) Celsius Tea 4 pk (Orig. $7.99, sale $3.99)
(2) Pilot G2 Pens 2 pk (Orig. $2.99)
(7) Laffy Taffy (Orig. $0.10) used as fillers (must have one item for each coupon used, especially when you have 2 coupons for an item; manufacturer and store coupons)
(2) Silly Bands (Orig. $2.99, sale 2/$5) they're all the 'rage' these days
(2) Batteries 16 pack (Orig. $9.99, BIGI free)
* Used 10 Coupons for $ off sale prices*

Final Price: $17.64
RR: (Originally had $20, rec'd $6, used $8 in transactions, $18 left for next stop)
Retail Total: $68.58
Savings: $50.94
75% savings!
Basically, if I took the $18 in Register Rewards and had been able to pay my total bill of $17.64, technically they were paying ME to buy their product, paying me $0.36! 

Walgreens #2

(8) Crest Advanced Whitening ToothPaste (Orig. 3.79)
(24) Laffy Taffy (Orig. $0.10) fillers
(1) Reach Toothbrush (Orig. $1.99, sale $0.99)
(2) Men's Zone Razor (Orig. 6.99, sale $3.99)
(3) Sinful Nail Polish (Orig. $1.99, sale $0.99)
(2) Prell Shampoo (Orig. $2.99)
(1) VO5 Shampoo (Orig. $0.79, sale $0.69)
(1) Inkjet Cartridge Reill (Orig. $12.99, sale $9.99)
* Used 9 Coupons for $ off sale prices* 
Final Price: $3.85
RR: (Originally had $18, rec'd $34, used $38 in transactions, $14 left for next time)
Retail Total: $74.42
Savings: $70.57
95% savings!
Paid: $21.49
Saved: $121.51
(Orig Price: $143.00)
85% savings!
Plus I have $14 RRs left to use 
After subtracting the RRs from what I spent, my final total is: $7.49. Not bad for 61 items (although 31 were the little candies.)


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